S. S. Australis Homepage.
Picture of S. S. Australis was sent by Nick Goad (ex crew member). S. S. Australis photo courtesy of Mike Lindsey.

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I regret to say that due to failing sight and other health issues,

this Australis website will be shut down as of the 1st of September 2024.

Thanks for contacts and your shared experiences over the many years

Ken Ironside

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Don't forget to look at the recent Update page, when the date changes: This site was last updated on: 22/07/2024.

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I'm deeply moved by the wonderful contributions from numerous crew and passengers since I opened this site in 1998.



You can e-mail me on this link here:ironsidekenneth@gmail.com

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Picture of Maurice Horsburgh. Maurice Horsburgh was an entertainer on the ship in the seventies and used to take part in lunchtime and evening shows in the Main Lounge and the Smoke Bar (i.e. Let's
have a Nightcap with Mo). He had been living in Queensland, Australia for the past 30 years. Mo was also a member of the Queensland Accordion Club.

Mo sadly passed away on the 14th July 2015. Late of Elanora, Queensland Australia. He was aged 86.

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Home. | History. | Maritime Links. | Tv Documentary. | Chandris. | Memorabilia.

Mr. Kaparis. | Bill Miller. | The Picture Gallery. | Alferdoss. | Where are they now.